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Portál pre hudobné skupiny a interpretov



Vzory: Marika Gombitová, ABBA, Madonna

So spevom som začínala asi ako 13-ročná. Na základnej škole som mala zo spevu vždy jednotku, ale z teórie to boli samé päťky. Ja som chcela iba spievať a nič viac. Nezujímali ma žiadni skladatelia, ani noty. Čo ma zujímalo, boli Marika Gombitová a ABBA. Preto sa dá povedať, že som divoký prírodný samorast.
Raz neskoro večer, keď som mala asi 14 rokov, som spievala pri kostole na námestí, pretože tam bola perfektná akustika a mne sa to veľmi páčilo. Náhodou išla okolo hŕstka chalanov, ktorí sa rozbehli ku mne. Najprv som si myslela, že mi chcú ublížiť, ale nakoniec sa ukázalo, že to boli chalani, ktorí mali svoju kapelu a hľadali do nej speváčku.... ...a našli.
V škole mi síce robili obštrukcie ohľadne účinkovania v kapele, pretože som bola ešte maloletá, ale ja som si tvrdohlavo išla za svojim cieľom.
Keď som mala 15 rokov, všimol si ma jeden hudobník Dušan Olah, ktorý ma ihneď angažoval a začala som vystupovať verejne na svadbách, plesoch, zábavách a pod.. Na strednej škole obštrukcie pokračovali, ale ja som si nedala povedať a jednoducho som so spevom pokračovala. Postupne som vystriedala niekoľko kapiel a po páde komunizmu, keď éra veľkých živých kapiel postupne upadala, som sa vybavila vlastnou aparatúrou a v súčasnosti vystupujem sama a občas so svojou kapelou MINIMAX.

Chcela by som špeciálne poďakovať Braňovi Zvolenskému za vytvorenie webstránky, Richardovi Hrašnovi a Petrovi Dutymu za audio sekciu, Romanovi Klistincovi za umelecké fotografie a video sekciu.

I started to sing at 13 years old. Already in the primary school's music class I was totally dedicated to singing. I had no interest in knowing what the teacher had to say about famous composers and knowing the theory.
As far as I was concerned there was only Marika Gombitova and ABBA I could learn from. My love of singing grew with them each day.
Late one evening I was singing by the church in the square. I found this place had a good acoustic vibe which made my voice sound great. I noticed a group of boys coming my direction and got a bit scared not knowing their intention at first, but it turned out that they were a band looking out for a singer. My voice caught their attention as it happened because I was hired straight away.
It was not easy at first, managing my studies and performing with the band as I was only 14 that time but I had a strong will and dedication which helped me through.
When 15 years old I met Dusan Olah, a musician, who noticed my talent and with his help I've found myself performing on weddings, balls, parties etc...
I then went to college where I had more responsibilities but I was not going to give up as my strong will for singing kept me going. As time went by I sang in several bands but after changes in our country brought by the fall of communism, all the live bands seemed to disappear from the scene within years. I didn't hesitate and got myself my own equipment to perform with or occasionally with my new band MINIMAX.

My special thanks go to Brano Zvolensky for creating my website, Richard Hrasna and Peter Duty for contribution in my audio section, Roman Klistinec for my photos and video section.